[Vintage-race] Hallett

Ryan, Richard RRyan at frk.com
Tue Sep 4 21:37:22 MDT 2007

I need your help again.

I will be racing a Vee at the October CVAR race at Hallett going

I would like some info on the track.  What are the keys to a fast lap?
Where can I get into trouble and bang the car up?  How should each turn
be driven?

I have the little summary from the track's website and watched some of
the incar video on the net but I always find the people on this list
have a lot of good advice.


Dick Ryan  650-312-4022  (24022)

Director of Global Insurance Management

Franklin Templeton Investments

One Franklin Parkway   960/4

San Mateo  CA  94403-1906

Fax  650-312-5830  (25830)

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