[TR] TR6 throttle linkage with vacuum switch/valve?

Greg Lemon grglmn at gmail.com
Wed May 10 14:18:14 MDT 2023

My TR250 is stripped of it and I put on earlier Stromberg carbs from a TR4
or 4A, which are much simpler.  It runs great.  I believe the valve in
question was part of what I call the "push me pull you" vacuum advance and
retard arrangement on the TR250 and early TR6 (the distributor also had two
vacuum diaphragms) I have the remains of this system including the valve in
a box in the basement.

Greg Lemon

On Wed, May 10, 2023, 2:31 PM David P <frogeye at porterscustom.com> wrote:

> FWIW... unless one is strictly after originality I can't imagine why
> anyone would want such a mandated power robbing contraption to be
> operational.. Enlighten me.. DaveP
> On 5/10/2023 11:41 AM, Chad wrote:
> What are you wanting for it?
> My TR250 has the remains of one on it.
> Chad
> On Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 12:35:14 PM CDT, Peter Arakelian
> <peterara at msn.com> <peterara at msn.com> wrote:
> > I cane across a bag labelled throttle linkage - and it looks like it has
> a vacuum switch
> That vacuum control is for TR250 and early (1969) TR6.  Shown in Moss
> catalog (379-320) with emission control stuff.  TR #148400.  Controls the
> vacuum to advance side of distributor.  Very hard to come by.  Someone in
> community may need it.
> Peter Arakelian
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> Porter Custom Bicycles 2909 Arno St. NE Albuquerque, NM. 87107 ph 505-352-1378  My World go here: WWW.PORTERBIKES.COM/
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