[TR] Whitelist email to prevent mssg being deemed spam, was: TR list traffic

Don Hiscock don.hiscock at gmail.com
Mon May 8 16:58:19 MDT 2023

Thanks for that, Blake.  I've not created rules in Gmail before -- but
perhaps now our forum friend Dave Massey won't automatically be sent to
spam, despite being in my address book!  Cross your fingers, Dave... :)

On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 5:43 PM Blake J. Discher <
bdischer.lists at blakedischer.com> wrote:

> First, congratulations Mark... there should also be an "Ironman" award for
> your efforts over the years to keep the hamsters in the wheel well-fed and
> running at full speed.  I know what it takes, so kudos!
> I thought I'd address the issue of list emails going into spam folders
> that some have mentioned.  Many already know this, but maybe some will be
> helped.
> Most email clients (Outlook, Google, Thunderbird) will have a way to
> "whitelist" an email address so that your client doesn't deem an incoming
> email as spam.  Because Google is  notoriously bad at discerning spam from
> ham <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPAMASSASSIN/Ham>, here
> is the procedure in Gmail:
> https://www.whitelist.guide/gmail/
> If you use a different client, a Google search will lead you to the
> procedure.
> All of that being said, some internet providers (AT&T, Verizon, etc) do
> spam detection at server level before your client (reader) even gets the
> message.  (Although Google is not technically an internet provider, their
> whitelisting method mirrors that of one.)  In that instance you will need
> to use the provider's control panel to add email addresses to your
> whitelist.
> Both methods work, 'client level' is usually simpler though.
> All the best,
> Blake Discher
> VTR Webmaster
> On 5/8/23 7:35 AM, Hoyt Duff wrote:
> Some of the emails wind up in my SPAM folder which is due, I am told,
> to a misconfiguration of the maillist server that the owner will not
> correct, not some nefarious plot of Google, this told to me from
> UNIX/Linux IT professionals. I have no way to verify this, but a
> substantial amount of messages do get shuttled to my SPAM folder, even
> after marking them consistently as NOT SPAM.
> As to participation, I am one of the "lurkers" who has been subscribed
> since circa 2000, but have not been active since I have not been
> working on any of my TR2/3s.
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