[TR] Whitelist email to prevent mssg being deemed spam, was: TR list traffic

Blake J. Discher bdischer.lists at blakedischer.com
Mon May 8 11:57:46 MDT 2023

First, congratulations Mark... there should also be an "Ironman" award 
for your efforts over the years to keep the hamsters in the wheel 
well-fed and running at full speed.  I know what it takes, so kudos!

I thought I'd address the issue of list emails going into spam folders 
that some have mentioned.  Many already know this, but maybe some will 
be helped.

Most email clients (Outlook, Google, Thunderbird) will have a way to 
"whitelist" an email address so that your client doesn't deem an 
incoming email as spam.  Because Google is  notoriously bad at 
discerning spam from ham 
<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SPAMASSASSIN/Ham>, here is 
the procedure in Gmail:

If you use a different client, a Google search will lead you to the 

All of that being said, some internet providers (AT&T, Verizon, etc) do 
spam detection at server level before your client (reader) even gets the 
message.  (Although Google is not technically an internet provider, 
their whitelisting method mirrors that of one.)  In that instance you 
will need to use the provider's control panel to add email addresses to 
your whitelist.

Both methods work, 'client level' is usually simpler though.

All the best,
Blake Discher
VTR Webmaster

On 5/8/23 7:35 AM, Hoyt Duff wrote:
> Some of the emails wind up in my SPAM folder which is due, I am told,
> to a misconfiguration of the maillist server that the owner will not
> correct, not some nefarious plot of Google, this told to me from
> UNIX/Linux IT professionals. I have no way to verify this, but a
> substantial amount of messages do get shuttled to my SPAM folder, even
> after marking them consistently as NOT SPAM.
> As to participation, I am one of the "lurkers" who has been subscribed
> since circa 2000, but have not been active since I have not been
> working on any of my TR2/3s.
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