[TR] TR list traffic

auprichard uprichard.net auprichard at uprichard.net
Mon May 8 09:38:59 MDT 2023

It made it !

From: Triumphs <triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Paul Tegler
Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023 7:58 AM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [TR] TR list traffic

last two message I tried to send the list were kicked back as undeliverable.
...wondering if this message will make it through

On 5/8/2023 12:57 AM, Dave Connitt wrote:
There is a definite reduction in email traffic on the list but I have recently posted questions on my TR4A wiper motor that were answered so there are people out there contributing.
Dave Connitt
Sent from my iPhone

On May 7, 2023, at 11:57 PM, Greg Lemon <grglmn at gmail.com><mailto:grglmn at gmail.com> wrote:

Same problem here with Gmail, I never see my emails to the list come through at all, and it seems like a third to two-thirds of the regular list traffic goes to spam, but I agree that overall the number of users and posts seems to be down.  Though in the early days I was on the Austin Healey list, so I guess can't really speak to traffic then.

Greg Lemon

On Sun, May 7, 2023, 7:10 PM TeriAnn J. Wakeman <tjwakeman at gmail.com<mailto:tjwakeman at gmail.com>> wrote:
On 5/7/23 7:43 AM, John Macartney wrote:
> Looking back down the years, this list seems to have a far smaller population than when I joined it in the nineties. Granted, we have had some sad departures as a result of anno domini etc, but is it now populated mostly by non-contributing lurkers who have been here a long time, or has it seen many migrations to other places - or what? Your thoughts / knowledge would be interesting.
> Jonmac

I'm one of the few that was on the original British car mail list before
it got chopped up into marque lists who has become basically a lurker. I
think much is that Google has been putting Triumph list postings in its
junk file before I even see it. I just seem to be able to tell it that
individual list member postings are not junk. I either never see
postings from a lot of people or well after they posted it when I go
into google mail to look for mail that is not junk. I don't have that
problem with FOT mail. Google lets that one through real time.

I seldom post because I really have nothing TR related to say or a
thread is old by the time I pull it out of Google junk.

On the other hand Eureka has a 2 seater car gathering coming up on 10
June. My TR3 intends to be there.

** triumphs at autox.team.net<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> **

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Paul Tegler

ptegler at verizon.net<mailto:ptegler at verizon.net>  www.teglerizer.com<http://www.teglerizer.com>
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