[TR] TR list traffic

Paul Tegler ptegler at verizon.net
Mon May 8 05:57:44 MDT 2023

last two message I tried to send the list were kicked back as undeliverable.
...wondering if this message will make it through


On 5/8/2023 12:57 AM, Dave Connitt wrote:
> There is a definite reduction in email traffic on the list but I have 
> recently posted questions on my TR4A wiper motor that were answered so 
> there are people out there contributing.
> Dave Connitt
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 7, 2023, at 11:57 PM, Greg Lemon <grglmn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Same problem here with Gmail, I never see my emails to the list come 
>> through at all, and it seems like a third to two-thirds of the 
>> regular list traffic goes to spam, but I agree that overall the 
>> number of users and posts seems to be down.  Though in the early days 
>> I was on the Austin Healey list, so I guess can't really speak to 
>> traffic then.
>> Greg Lemon
>> TR250
>> On Sun, May 7, 2023, 7:10 PM TeriAnn J. Wakeman <tjwakeman at gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>     On 5/7/23 7:43 AM, John Macartney wrote:
>>     > Looking back down the years, this list seems to have a far
>>     smaller population than when I joined it in the nineties.
>>     Granted, we have had some sad departures as a result of anno
>>     domini etc, but is it now populated mostly by non-contributing
>>     lurkers who have been here a long time, or has it seen many
>>     migrations to other places - or what? Your thoughts / knowledge
>>     would be interesting.
>>     >
>>     > Jonmac
>>     I'm one of the few that was on the original British car mail list
>>     before
>>     it got chopped up into marque lists who has become basically a
>>     lurker. I
>>     think much is that Google has been putting Triumph list postings
>>     in its
>>     junk file before I even see it. I just seem to be able to tell it
>>     that
>>     individual list member postings are not junk. I either never see
>>     postings from a lot of people or well after they posted it when I go
>>     into google mail to look for mail that is not junk. I don't have
>>     that
>>     problem with FOT mail. Google lets that one through real time.
>>     I seldom post because I really have nothing TR related to say or a
>>     thread is old by the time I pull it out of Google junk.
>>     On the other hand Eureka has a 2 seater car gathering coming up
>>     on 10
>>     June. My TR3 intends to be there.
>>     TeriAnn
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Paul Tegler
ptegler at verizon.net   www.teglerizer.com
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