[TR] Engine colours. Dave Northrop enquire

John Macartney johnbmacartney at gmx.com
Sat Jun 17 03:20:30 MDT 2023

Factory recon units from Beans were sold as:

1 Short. Block, pistons and crank.
2 Long. As 1 above plus cylinder head, valves, rockers, valve cover.
3 Fully dressed. As 2 above plus all ancillaries , starter, Dynamo, manifolds,carbs, distributor.

All were painted the yucky blue referred to earlier and had an entirely new engine number bearing no resemblance to the original. Highly doubtful the engine number would appear as a number on a casting. Many of the numbers appearing on engines or other castings, very often refer back to a number used by the foundry who made the part originally.

In Dave’s case, 

1 what is the engine number on his engine, and
2 what is the car’s commission number?


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