[TR] Re-installing Front Suspension Springs

Rochlin Robert rrochlin at comcast.net
Mon Apr 10 15:35:58 MDT 2023

	I’m in the last stages of reassembling the front suspension after replacing all the bushings.  I originally did the job about 6 years ago and can’t remember how I reinstalled the springs, but I don’t recall it being particularly difficult.  This time through, I just can’t get the springs back in.  I got a spring compressor loaner from AutoZone and was able to install one spring, but when I went to remove the spring compressor through the bottom of the spring pan it was about 1/8 of an inch too wide to remove, so back to the drawingboard...  I’ve looked at Bentley and Hayes manuals, but their method of putting the spring back is put the spring pan and jack it up into position  doesn’t come close to lining the spring pan to the lower wishbone holes. Any advice appreciated.
	Below are the bushings I removed.  They about 6 to 7 years old with about 20,000 miles and, as you can see, they are toast. The swing arm bushings were worse. I bought them on a recommendation from a TR guy from an outfit in the UK called Polybush.

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