[TR] TR3A overdrive adjustment lever removal

Art McEwen artwmcewen at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 14:34:20 MST 2022

Thanks Edward.  I thought about drilling but didn't figure I could get my
drill close enough without the chuck fouling on the case.

I'm assuming I'm punching the narrow end (it's concave into the arm not
standing proud).


On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 3:09 PM EDWARD WOODS <fogbro1 at comcast.net> wrote:

> Well Art, it’s a tapered pin, which you may or may not have discovered.
> It’ll only come out in one direction. It’s not always been easy, but, with
> one exception where I bent the shaft, I’ve always been able to extract
> them. Or drill them. It’s 1/8” in diameter, by the way. You can use a roll
> pin to replace the original.
> Ed
> On 01/20/2022 2:44 PM Art McEwen <artwmcewen at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I’m midway through an overdrive rebuild and the actuation shaft has an
> o ring on either end that I want to replace. But I can’t get the pin
> holding the adjustment arm (opposite side of case from solenoid) to budge.
> I’ve broken 2 punches so far and the case is in the way of a drill. I guess
> I don’t HAVE to renew it but it seems a shame to leave a 40+ year old oring
> to weep after going through this work.
> Ideas?
> Art.
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