[TR] leds for gauges and external lights TR6

Brian Kemp bk13 at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 12 11:08:54 MST 2021

Regarding gauges lights being dim - have you checked the dash light 
dimmer switch?  That was my problem years ago.  I twisted it back and 
forth a bunch of times and that fixed it.  It is a rotary rheostat and 
you may have some corrosion adding resistance.


On 11/10/2021 7:00 AM, Tim Gaines wrote:
> I have been away from the Triumphs list for awhile, so I apologize if 
> my question has been discussed previously. I had my TR6 up on the Blue 
> Ridge Parkway in NC yesterday (2.5 hr destination) and was stranded 
> for a time at the end when the oil pressure switch failed and spewed 
> all my oil away! After a tow the AAA Service Center in Asheville gave 
> me 4 quarts of oil, and a service guy watched under the hood as I 
> cranked the engine. He saw the problem, the engine sounded good still, 
> and I replaced the switch with a bolt and made it home, much of the 
> drive in the dark. By the way, great folks at AAA. They charged me 
> nothing, even for the oil. That brings me to my question.
> I could barely see my gauges in the interstate traffic, and I feared 
> that my external lights were very dim compared to the modern cars 
> around me. So now I'm online ordering the oil switch and looking at 
> LED bulb replacements. There are multiple bulb kits for some makes on 
> Moss, but I don't see one for TR6. Have any of you found such kits and 
> had success with the brightness? If not with kits, what individual 
> bulb replacements are good?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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