[TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 14, Issue 235

Alan & Lyn Dunscombe dunscomb at chch.planet.org.nz
Wed Nov 10 15:23:31 MST 2021

Thanks Guy
good suggestion.
My panel beater is already organised to fill the interior of the sills 
with the correct anti-rust wax etc.
I was thinking more about the exposed exterior of the sills & 'A' panel etc.

thanks for your suggestions


AW&  LJ Dunscombe
Porthcurno Pointers&  Barton Border Terriers
New Zealand

On 11/11/2021 8:00 a.m., triumphs-request at autox.team.net wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:50:52 -0600
> From: Guy Huggins<guy.huggins at icloud.com>
> To: Alan&  Lyn Dunscombe<dunscomb at chch.planet.org.nz>
> Cc: Triumph Mailing List<triumphs at autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [TR] TR2 sill / bulkhead sealing
> Message-ID:<C817F24F-C18F-48F2-902E-E9DE3E1CD48A at icloud.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> When I restored my car, I had the same question about rust developing in enclosed areas, especially the insides of the chassis.
> I ended up creating a ?soup? of melted paraffin wax and linseed oil, and injecting it.
> The linseed oil keeps the wax from hardening all the way, and ends up like a slush.
> Kind Regards,
> Guy D. Huggins
> guy.huggins at icloud.com
> 817.454.6415
> On Nov 10, 2021, at 5:15 AM, Alan&  Lyn Dunscombe<dunscomb at chch.planet.org.nz>  wrote:
> Hi all
> Finally after 40 years driving I am getting the sills&  floors on my TR2 replaced, currently at the panel beaters having them welded in. So my question is:-
> How to deal with the dirt&  moisture trap made by the "box" enclosed by the bulkhead&  sealing plate at the front, the 'A' pillar at the back, the sill&  front guard (fender in USA) at the bottom,&  the rear of the inner guard etc at the top.
> We all know that the factory sealing plate&  rubber seals at the front are meant to stop the road dirt&  moisture getting in, but don't do it very well. Then when it rains the water comes in between the side of the bonnet (hood in USA)&  the front guards onto the top of the inner guard (fender), plus at the rear end of the bonnet it runs down from the gutter at the front of the bulkhead into the gap at the rear of the inner guard which is cleverly angled so that all this water drips off the back end into the above mentioned "box" enclosure where it combines with the road dirt etc and eventually rots out the front of the sill and the side kick panel in the cockpit&  then the front of the floors.
> General consensus seem to be that we should remove the bulkhead sealing plates each year and clean out all this accumulated 'crud' and dry out this area before replacing them.
> Has anyone come up with a way of draining this area so it doesn't stay damp?
> What is the consensus on the best treatment  of this front part of the sill and bottom of the inner side of the guard etc. to stop rust attacking it?
> All suggestions gratefully received.
> cheers,
> stay safe,
> Alan     TS3612
> AW&  LJ Dunscombe
> New Zealand

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