[TR] Stag, TR6, GT6 Stromberg Carbs

Frank Magnusson fmags at cox.net
Sat Aug 7 08:37:36 MDT 2021

Carb insulators.  Just pulled my carbs off the intake Y adapter on my Stag to replace the insulators/gaskets which were leaking and have a question.  The original insulators have a slot on one side that mates to what appears to be a passage on the carb face (the side with the 4 attachment bolts).  BUT the new insulators and gaskets from Rimmers do not have this slot at all.  Wondering what the purpose of the slot is and if I need to have the insulators machined to have a slot cut into them or if they are ok to install as is without the slot.  ROM mentions to align the insulator with the slot as does TR6 guidance.  Stromberg overhaul manual doesn't even mention it.

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