[TR] TR2 Commission Plate

Brian Thomas thomasb at queensu.ca
Sun Jun 21 10:00:43 MDT 2020

Thanks to all who responded to my quest for suitable commission plate rivets.  I'll be taking Don Hiscock up on his offer to provide some.

FYI, I've attached a few pics.  The first shows the TS537L's tub being re-united with the chassis last week.  Another shows it's commission number plate which we removed prior to painting.  The third is for those trivia buffs amongst you and shows the TR2's commission plate beside a similar plate on our TR3 (TS10820L) - I was amazed how different they are (fonts, indents, positioning of words ...).

... and yes, both mine are original to the cars.

Stay well and cheers,

Brian Thomas                            E-Mail:  Brian.Thomas at QueensU.Ca<mailto:Brian.Thomas at QueensU.Ca>
92 Wyona Lane                          Phone:  613-385-1947
Wolfe Island,  Ontario                Toys:  54 TR2,  56 TR3,  67 TR4A,
Canada  K0H 2Y0                                   01 XKR,  75 John Deere 920

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