[TR] rope trick thingy

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Tue Sep 10 15:58:47 MDT 2019

Geez yes!  You do NOT want a valve open when you use the rope to push 
the head up.  I'm not sure how you'd get the head nuts off without 
removing the rocker shaft, but you certainly want the valves closed or 
you have a very good chance of damaging an open valve.

- Tony Drews

On 9/8/2019 5:03 PM, TERRY SMITH wrote:
> Haven't heard it mentioned, so question.  When using the "rope trick," 
> would it be wise to remove the pedestal for the rocker arms first so's 
> to avoid damaging valves?
> Terry
> On September 3, 2019 at 6:26 PM "Glenn A. Merrell" 
> <controls at freelanceconsulting.net> wrote:
>> Stag and TR7 heads are no longer an issue.
>> There are cylinder head tools available that lift off even the most 
>> corroded heads off a Stag or TR7 engine in 30 minutes or less with no 
>> damage, actually taking more time to install and remove the tool than 
>> it takes to  lifting the head.  That is the first and last tool to 
>> use, all other methods are rendered obsolete and typically damage 
>> something else in the process.
>> Use of the tool is free excepting you pay round trip shipping of the 
>> tool and replace anything you lose or break on the tool.
>> Cheers!
>> Glenn Merrell
>> aka StagByTriumph Garage (/now on FaceBook/)
>> Remember, “the BEST trophies are: Miles on the Odometer; Stone chips 
>> in the paint; and DEAD BUGS on the windscreen … with the occasional 
>> smell of manure!”
>> *From:*Triumphs [mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net] *On Behalf 
>> Of *Randall
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 3, 2019 12:10 PM
>> *To:* Paul Dorsey; Triumph list Team.net
>> *Subject:* Re: [TR] rope trick thingy
>> The “rope trick” is for emergencies, when you just can’t get the head 
>> off any other way.  In that case, chances are good that the liners 
>> are so stuck they don’t need to be retained.  But also, IMO, if it’s 
>> that bad, it’s time to pull the liners anyway (in which case they 
>> don’t need to be retained either).
>> I’ve taken apart some pretty sad TR3 motors, and never had to resort 
>> to the “rope trick”.  Getting the head off a Stag or TR7 can be a 
>> real challenge, but the TR3 has never been a problem for me.
>> - Randall
>> *From: *Paul Dorsey <mailto:dorpaul1 at gmail.com>
>> *Sent: *Monday, September 2, 2019 9:38 PM
>> *To: *Me <mailto:dorpaul1 at gmail.com>; Triumph list Team.net 
>> <mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>
>> *Subject: *[TR] rope trick thingy
>> Is the rope trick the thing where you put the rope in the cylinder 
>> down the spark  plug hole and then turn the engine so that the piston 
>> breaks the head gasket seal?  I thought someone said not to turn over 
>> the engine?
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