[TR] eBay - a sobering story

Andrew Uprichard auprichard at uprichard.net
Fri Oct 19 16:03:01 MDT 2018

Before I start the story, let me take full responsibility for my own
stupidity.  I screwed up.  But the follow-up is where I think others need to
be careful.


Having bought a TR3 with a body which was beyond salvage, I have been
looking for, and was prepared to pay good money for, a decent tub.  I
recently saw one on eBay which was advertised as being "in good condition".
It was fairly expensive, so I emailed the seller twice and asked
specifically about the extent of the rust:  he replied by assuring me the
car was "in great condition" with "minimal rust".  I asked for additional
pics, but he said it was difficult as the car was at a different location.


After I bid and won, the seller emailed me to say I had to pick the car up
within 24 hours as he had a family commitment and would be gone for a week.
The car was several hours away and I explained I couldn't make it.  He said
OK, but he wanted the money immediately.  I called PayPal and they said I
would lose any protection if I paid before seeing the car.  So I called eBay
and they reassured me I was covered 100% by the eBay vehicle protection plan
(VPP).  So I paid.  My mistake.


A week later I drove out and found a car with rust holes big enough to put
my hand through and a passenger side with so much collision damage I doubt
it could ever be restored.  Oh, and the frame was bent.  I told him I wasn't
going to take the car, he had misrepresented it, and I wanted my money back.
He told me tough, you paid already, it's yours.


I came home and called eBay only to be told the VPP only applies to cars
less than 10 years old and that I had no recourse other than to sue the
seller.  After several sleepless nights I decided I could do without the
stress of litigation and so I drove back out to collect the car.  When I got
there the seller told me he had sold it to someone else.  Great, I said,
give me my money.  Nah, he said, you take it and I'll deal with the other
guy.  The seller had brought a few buddies over, and so I simply loaded the
car up and drove home.


Bottom line - I salvaged one replacement panel and 2 fenders, one of which
is fiberglass.  The car is being collected this week for a trip to the


It was my fault and I accept responsibility for it.  Thankfully, my lovely
wife has not given me grief and as a Christian I forgive the guy.  But I did
leave negative feedback on eBay.  The EXACT words were "Total
misrepresentation of the car.  Buyers beware".  It never posted.  I called
eBay today and was told the seller had appealed my feedback as it was
"pejorative and threatened the future success of his business".  As a result
eBay had the right to remove it - and they did.  And they will not let me
leave any negative feedback.


I still love the Triumph community, but I am a little more cynical about
mankind (which is a shame) and I am disgusted with eBay.  I guess I am
venting, but if anyone has a good TR3 tub...


Andrew Uprichard

Jackson, Michigan





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