[TR] TR 250 Heater problem

Roger Elliott elliottr at rmi.net
Wed Dec 19 16:07:38 MST 2018


We were out in my wife's TR 250 the other night and the heater was 
acting up on the passenger side.

The defroster vent seemed to be hot on the right side of the passenger 
vent, but cold on the left side (the driver's defroster vent was fine.)

The air from the floor vent on the passenger side was cold, the driver's 
side was fine - at least until a coat was shoved under the passenger 
side which then diverted the cold to the driver's side.

We took out the glove box and all of the hoses are hooked up correctly.

I can't think of anything that would allow the air coming from the 
defroster vent be cold on one side and hot (well okay warm) on the other 
side. The only thing I can think of is that the seal around the heater 
core is letting cold air past on the passenger side.

Any ideas?

Roger Elliott

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