[TR] Brake Fluid for TR3A

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Sat Sep 9 12:15:28 MDT 2017

Cliff Hansen <cliff_hansen at outlook.com> wrote:

You can’t switch from DOT3/4 to DOT 5 without replacing _all_ of the non-metal parts: caliper seals, hoses, master cylinder seals, and thoroughly cleaning the metal parts.

Actually you can. I've done it several times, including that Chevy I mentioned before and it has worked out reasonably well for me.  I just filled the reservoir and bled at each corner until I got only clean, purple fluid.

I suspect you don't get the full benefit of DOT 5 that way, but it worked for me. The leftover DOT 3/4 seems to collect in pockets that eventually turn to black goo, but only in places where it doesn't block flow (like the dead space in wheel cylinders). 

Didn't fix the leaky caliper on my old motorhome, but it did slow the leak way down. The rebuild kit that I eventually found for it is still on the shelf in the garage, even though the motorhome has been gone for 15 years <g>

-- Randall

On 9 September 2017 13:04:20 GMT-04:00, Cliff Hansen <cliff_hansen at outlook.com> wrote:
>You can’t switch from DOT3/4 to DOT 5 without replacing _all_ of the
>non-metal parts: caliper seals, hoses, master cylinder seals, and
>thoroughly cleaning the metal parts.  I’m guessing that they used DOT3
>brake fluid as a lubricant when they assembled the master cylinder.
>Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
>Windows 10
>From: David Friedlander<mailto:forzion7 at gmail.com>
>Sent: Saturday, September 9, 2017 9:13 AM
>To: Randall<mailto:TR3driver at ca.rr.com>
>Cc: TR3 Triumphs<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net>; Ann
>Carletta<mailto:anncarletta at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: [TR] Brake Fluid for TR3A
>I am installing new brake master cylinders in my TR3 and the boxes
>theycame in had the label you can see in the attached photo.
>What do you make of this?
>I run DOT5 in my TR6 without issue but am rebuilding this
>TR3 and wanted to use DOT5 here as well...
>Dave Friedlander
>On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 2:35 AM, Randall
><TR3driver at ca.rr.com<mailto:TR3driver at ca.rr.com>> wrote:
>There is no clear consensus on brake fluid.  Some of us love DOT 5
>others hate it.
>But I do recommend that you find out what you have before topping up;
>also look for where it is leaking.  Since this is a single circuit
>system, it only takes one leak to rob you of all hydraulic brakes.  Not
>good feeling, especially when you're going downhill into an underground
>parking garage, and the handbrake is also broken!
>Also, if you don't have DOT 5, any other brake fluid will eat paint
>and promote rust.  And any of them will ruin the rear brake shoes if it
>on them.
>If you do use one of the non-silicone formulas, you also shouldn't keep
>old can of it.  They suck moisture directly from the air, once the can
>been opened, and start getting old.  That's why you should always open
>a new
>can; and change it in your braking system every few years, even if you
>drive the car.  (Just one of the many reasons I like DOT 5, it doesn't
>Here is a good article (IMO) on the pros & cons of DOT 5
>If you are a glutton for punishment, you can also find the SAE papers
>it references here
>Of all the TR3s I've driven and owned, only my current "barn find" 56
>lead (substitute).  I eventually changed the head, and now I don't use
>My previous TR3A engine went well over 100,000 miles without ever
>lead added.
>-- Randall
>** triumphs at autox.team.net<mailto:triumphs at autox.team.net> **
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