[TR] Early TR4 Triumph Radio wanted

Jim Henningsen trguy75 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 17:04:42 MST 2017

Yes, that is the radio.  I have the original manual for it just cant find the radio.  I have a very early 62 so would love to find one if possible.  If not, I still have the 60s Blaupunkt that was installed in the car when I bought it.  Judging by date on the radio, it was installed near purchase date.  Don't know if the dealers installed Blaupunkts or not.  That swirl logo is British Leyland.  I think that radio is for a different car with the wrong manual.  Just my two cents
Thanks for sharing the picture.
Jim Henningsen

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Stewart [mailto:keithstewart at bell.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2017 6:52 PM
To: glemon at neb.rr.com; 'Jim Henningsen' <trguy75 at gmail.com>; 'Triumphs' <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: [TR] Early TR4 Triumph Radio wanted

Don’t recall that swirl logo being used during the run of the TR4. Also, that swirl is not the logo on the radio shown on the front of the manual in the pictures for this unit. The one that came on my first 62 TR4 is attached. That is the speaker that sits in the passenger footwell.

Keith Stewart
keithstewart at bell.net

-----Original Message-----
From: glemon at neb.rr.com [mailto:glemon at neb.rr.com] 
Sent: November 12, 2017 11:27 PM
To: Jim Henningsen <trguy75 at gmail.com>; 'Triumphs' <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] Early TR4 Triumph Radio wanted

I don't know if this is early enough, quite a find, not cheap https://m.ebay.com/itm/NOS-Stanpart-AM-Radio-Kit-Antenna-Case-w-Speaker-Triumph-TR4-Spitfire-V350/182850395673?hash=item2a92bb9e19:g:nXQAAOSwZ~JZ467F 

No personal knowledge or interest, just saw this browsing eBay the other day

Greg Lemon

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