[TR] Weird Problem

Cosmo Kramer tr4a2712 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 11 05:07:12 MDT 2016

Hi!I first thought that there may have been a load on the battery some how. Maybe some place in the wiring harness got cut by a sharp edge of metal rubbing over the years to finally cause a short in the system. Check for a load by using a test light (randall told me once to use an old Head Lamp as your 'test light' (so to take any sudden load). Connect one end of the wire to the (-) Earth to the battery, & the other end to the (-) Earth wire that would go on the earth battery wire. If the 'Test Light (Head Lamp) goes on, then you have a load on your battery when the key to power is off. I think that's how you check to see if there is a load on the battery when off? It's been so long in working on cars that I may be giving you bad info. so feel free to check with the list on this input.-Cosmo Kramer
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