[TR] Ring Gear Bolts/Flywheel Bolts

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Thu Mar 3 21:42:58 MST 2016

John Deere did a practical engineering study of different methods of 
locking bolts on test rigs.  Lockwashers and locking tabs were 
virtually worthless, Loctite worked pretty well.  They stopped using 
lockwashers and locking tabs and had loads of loctite in the factory 
to use instead.

So, what Randall said.

Regards, Tony Drews

At 03:50 PM 3/3/2016, Randall wrote:
> > My question is: Should I use tab washers
> > to lock the bolts on? I could use lockwashers and Loctite
> > Blue and get better results, I think. Any nuggets of wisdom out there?
>You're perhaps familiar with Carroll Smith's "Tune to Win" series of 
>books?  The one he wanted to call "Screw to Win" has this to
>"So called 'lock washers' are popular in certain circles.  There is 
>only one basic problem with lock washers, they don't work."
>ISTR there is a similar comment in one of Kas Kastner's books on 
>Triumph Preparation.  They both don't like lock tabs either, for
>that matter.
>My suggestion is original bolts (if they pass inspection) retained 
>only with Loctite 243.  The ARP bolts are nice, but not needed
>for engines that don't see a lot of time over 5000 rpm.
>-- Randall
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