[TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 8, Issue 233

FordneyNJ at aol.com FordneyNJ at aol.com
Mon Sep 7 22:47:00 MDT 2015


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 7  Sep 2015 13:08:43 -0400
From: Brad Kahler <bkahler1 at gmail.com>
To:  "John & Pat Donnelly" <pdonnel1 at san.rr.com>
Cc: Triumphs  <Triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [TR] TR4 road draft tube  plug
<CADm3DLH8Hk61W5EF9ggu0WtbfbVw8GpSr4B7Hiq5YMAjsjd7Vg at mail.gmail.com>
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Johnnie, I have tried using the modern PCV  valves which is what is
currently installed.  I purchased the PCV kit  from Richard Good due to
reviews I had read online.  The only difference  between my TR4 PCV setup
and the one in your picture is my TR4 has had the  brakes converted to TR6
vacuum boost brakes so I have a Tee in the line  between the PCV valve and
the intake manifold that goes to the brake  booster.

Do you still have the road draft tube or is the tube opening  plugged?

Also, is your valve cover cap vented (i.e. TR4A style) or  non-vented?


Johnnie, I am receive these on the  digest, so pictures get scrubbed. Could 
you send me the picture showing the PCV  that you used directly to me?  

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