[TR] Pre 1974 Spit needed for film in England

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Thu Mar 26 21:37:06 MDT 2015

On 3/26/2015 8:58 PM, Greg Lemon wrote:
> The very early cars were called Spitfire 4 I believe, maybe something 
> was lost in translation, or as noted, maybe they really want a Herald
Yeah, had forgotten about that--the rear chrome badge on the `62-`64 
Mark I was "Spitfire4." (I should have remembered that, since I once 
owned a `63. Call it an elderly moment. The car was destroyed in 1972.)  
So, that could be the point of confusion, rather than his needing a 
4-seater (or, is there some confusion about the jump seat/package shelf 
which was standard?).

Still, I wonder why the request was forwarded to the US, since I doubt 
that anyone could arrange for transport from the U.S. in time for the 
episode shoot, and the likelihood of finding a pre-`67 RHD here is 
mighty slim.  I doubt there are more than three or four in the U.S. at 
this time, at least running and of decent appearance (I think there's a 
Wedgwood Blue `63 RHD out there somewhere, IIRC).



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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