[TR] TR3 rear spring specification

TeriAnn J. Wakeman tjwakeman at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 12:25:32 MST 2015

On 2/17/15 5:23 PM, Randall wrote:
> I'm trying to work out whether my old springs really were way too soft; or the new springs I got are way too stiff (and ride much
> too high).
I never researched it, but long ago I was told that the TR3 & solid axle 
TR4 used the same size spring.  Because the TR4 was heavier the TR4 had 
a higher Spring rate.  I was also told that most if not all makers of 
reproduction TR springs just made the TR4 springs because it was cheaper 
make one set than two sets with different spring rates.  The person told 
me that the springs designed to handle the TR4's rear weight caused a 3 
to sit high  and the extra stiffness tended to shake the TR3's parts 
loose and to be hard on the driver.

Like I said I never researched it so it may just be an old husband's tale.


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