[TR] Car lift / hoist

Andrew Uprichard auprichard at uprichard.net
Fri Dec 4 15:29:43 MST 2015

I have been on the lookout for a decent 2-post car hoist for some time - I
am getting too old and stiff to do exhausts, engine and gearbox oil changes
and brake bleeding with the car on jack stands.


Anyway, I found a local outfit who could accommodate my 10' ceilings, but
the only hoist they had was 140" external diameter.  When I explained my TR3
only needed about 6 feet between the posts I got a blank stare.


My problem is, the flat portion of my cement floor is only 130" wide:  any
wider than this and there is a slope which would result in the arms being
too high off the floor to get under my cars.


Does anyone have experience with a car lift / hoist which would meet my

Andrew Uprichard

Jackson, Mi

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