[TR] Triumphs Miata seats

Allen Hess allenhess at mgcarclub.com
Tue Jul 22 14:04:48 MDT 2014

Ah Ha! Elementary my dear Watson.
I saw a Spec Miata race at Watkins Glen a few years back. It was some  
of the best racing that I've seen. The field was as big as NASCAR and  
they didn't have "the big one" (wreck) or the little one. Great stuff.

Allen Hess

On Jul 22, 2014, at 2:00 PM, triumphs-request at autox.team.net wrote:
> Actually, as someone who has had them in my TR6 since 2005, I find  
> them
> extremely comfortable. I have driven my TR6 over 700 miles in one day
> numerous times over the years and have felt great at the end of the  
> drive.
> Some people acquire Miata seats for their cars as a matter of  
> economics. A
> pair of Miata seats typically costs less than replacement foam kits  
> alone
> for the stock seats.
> Why are so many Miata seats available? It's called Spec Miata. One  
> of the
> most popular classes in SCCA history, Spec Miata is so popular that  
> on any
> given weekend, there are probably more Miatas being raced than any  
> other
> single model. Spec Miata prep rules allow for the removal of the stock
> seats, so that a racing seat may be installed.
> Irv Korey
> 74 TR6 CF22767U (original owner, no Miata, just the seats)
> Highland Park, Il

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