[TR] Bleeding Hydraulics on a TR6

William Brewer wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Tue Sep 10 23:30:05 MDT 2013

     I had to remove the brake and clutch master cylinders and brake
proportioner switch on my 1974 TR6. I've rebuilt a variety of brakes before
and never had a problem bleeding the systems. This time around, I had my son
pump the pedal about 5 times and hold and then I crack open the bleeder and
vent out fluid. It worked okay on the clutch slave, but on the brakes I can't
get anything to come out. I just wanted to verify that you start at the
bleeder farthest from the master cylinder first.
     I was told that you
could hook a Mityvak up to the bleeder and vacuum pump the air out. It doesn't
seem to work. How does one use a Mityvac to bleed brakes? Maybe you have to
hold the pedal down while you are vacuum evacuating the brake line. Does
anyone have any hints?
     I am going to look for a one man bleeder tomorrow.
     Gotta get this car back on the road while we still have good weather.

     Bill in Tehachapi

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