[TR] Pulling TR3 engine/trans

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Tue Nov 19 07:11:25 MST 2013


I would remove the stick. If you make a mistake and hit the stick on the 
body when removing then it is very possible that the cover casting will 
break at or about the area of where the stick is located. It is not too 
strong in that area. I broke a cover a long time ago just by trying to 
remove the steel collar that holds the stick assembly.

Although you can remove the engine/transmission assembly without 
removing the stick, you will have a lot more room with the stick removed.

So on the same subject, be careful when removing the stick assembly if 
you choose to do so. That steel can sort of cause the casting to rust. 
When replacing use liberal amounts of grease or anti seize.

I also sanded the casting area where the steel collar attach to insure a 
easy fit when re-assembly.


  On 11/19/2013 08:54 AM, William Brewer wrote:
>       Just curious. Do you have to pull the stick shift off of the TR3 trans
> when pulling out the TR3 trans/engine combo? Or can you get it out with the
> stick still on? I'll pull the stick off, but I was wondering...
>       Bill in
> Tehachapi

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