[TR] Drum Brake Questions

William Brewer wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Wed Dec 25 17:52:32 MST 2013

     So, I have a 1952 Triumph Renown. 3 times now the 4 drum brakes have all
got hot and seized up while I was driving. It happens at about the 45 minute
mark on an easy drive. I keep adjusting the shoes on the drum thinking that
they are just out of adjustment after so little use for so long. I don't see
any brake fluid leaking from the brake cylinders that would have soaked the
     I am trying to avoid taking on another project. Can this brake
problem be anything other than needing to put in new brake wheel cylinders and
shoes? I keep backing off on the adjusters, but that is not working so far.

   -Bill Brewer

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