[TR] Valve Seals

Brian Harlan brianharlan at scrtc.com
Sun Feb 27 12:48:13 MST 2011

Hi Bob,

I'm leaning towards no seals because they didn't seem to be originally 
installed. Just wanted some experienced input and wondered if anyone had 
installed them anyway, and with what results. Thanks for the reply, 
you're confirming my decision.


On 2/27/2011 10:06 AM, Bob wrote:
> Brian,
> Again, I am not a Spitfire expert but it the Spit engine is anything like a 3,
> 4 or 6 there are no seals on the valve stems if the engine is stock.
> I have heard of seal kits for 6's but no experience here. My 72 is stock and
> all I did was install hardened exhaust seats and bronze guides. Same with my 3
> and 4.
> There are many Spitfire experts on this list so I am guessing you will get
> some expert replies soon.
> Best of luck and welcome to our world!
> Bob

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