[TR] TR3 Upper Shock Tower Bolts

William Brewer wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Fri Sep 17 14:13:11 MDT 2010

B B B B  I checked the previously done side and found that indeed the outboard
bolts have a captive nut at the bottom.

B B B B  -Bill

--- On Fri, 9/17/10, Brian Jones <Brian.L.Jones at gsk.com> wrote:

From: Brian Jones <Brian.L.Jones at gsk.com>
Subject: Re: TR3 Upper Shock Tower Bolts
To: "triumphs at autox.team.net" <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Cc: "wsb1960tr3a at att.net" <wsb1960tr3a at att.net>
Date: Friday, September 17, 2010, 11:17 AM


From: William Brewer <wsb1960tr3a at att.net> 

Subject: [TR] TR3
Upper Shock Tower Bolts 


B B B B  <snip> the mounting bolts
for the
upper fulcrum are all wonky. The front inboard one is a bolt and nut
and looks
like the DPO put that in when he stripped the captive nut. The two
bolts each had 3 lock washers and the end of the bolt threads look
like they
were stripped.B B B B  The outboard fulcrum mounting
bolt holes bottom out
after about 5 or 6 threads. Is it possible that the DPO
sheared off the bolts
last time he did this? Are the bolt holes supposed to
bottom out like that?
B B B B   

Bill: The outer are bolt and nut. Moss has them as
322-025 and

The inner are Cap Screws (322-060).  


I canbt recall from
doing mine if the bolt/cap
screw differ dimensionally (thread, length
diameter). Ibd order 2 of each
in case the DPO slung any old bolts in there,
and then decide what needs doing with
the captive nuts, if anything. 


B B B B  My wife is on my case saying
that I break things that aren't
broken and it was okay until I tried to fix it. 

B B B B   

B B B B   

seems a bit bloody harsh. Given the role the items in
question have in getting
the car to go where you want it to, and that you are
fixing anotherbs bodge.



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