[TR] Powder Coating Question

Dave1massey at cs.com Dave1massey at cs.com
Thu Sep 9 07:12:38 MDT 2010

In a message dated 9/9/2010 8:10:26 AM Central Daylight Time, 
cfmtr3a at verizon.net writes: 
> I did PC the housing - masking off the areas Dave mentioned.  Powder 
> coating 
> is much 'smoother' than regular finishes.  I had a hard time getting the 
> top 
> radiator hose to grip.  I ended up sanding it down a bit before installing 
> the hose.  It would be much easier to do that with it off the car than on 
> it.  as an option you could mask off 1" or so of that outlet.

Good point.  Plug the threaded hole for the temp gauge bulb, too.


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