[TR] vtr

McGaheyRx at aol.com McGaheyRx at aol.com
Mon Mar 1 08:40:02 MST 2010

In a message dated 3/1/2010 9:08:53 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
sumton at sbcglobal.net writes:

I just  received an email from the Vintage Triumph Register.  every email  
send out has your username and password in clear text.

help me  out people - this is the most egregious security practice I have  
help me out here - how is this practice different from the "forgotten  
password" emails one gets from any other institution when one forgets  the 
password and requests one?
Until you answer that - I LIKE having the password that handy for my use  
and don't want the policy changed - Its not like anybody can do me any damage 
 with unauthorized access to the VTR members only website. 

please  send them an email and tell them to stop this practice!!!!!
tell them you  will not renew until they cease this incredibly  amateurish
Have you already privately sent such an email to any member of the VTR  
board whose names and addresses appear on the inside cover of every issue of 
TVT  you receive?  and not received a response?
If not, how is your email not far more amateurish than you claim the  
"egregious practice" is?
Jack McGahey

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