[TR] TR4A shift boot

January Williams januaryw at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 11:36:35 MDT 2009

I bought an upper and lower shift boot from Moss (680-720 and 680-730) that
is listed for my 67 TR4A.
Is there a trick to putting the lower and upper boot through the padded
shift cover, or do I need to remove the padded dash support?  I've replaced
the upper boot many times and they rip after a year or two.  Is the rubber
that bad?  Has anyone used the leather alternative to the rubber boot?
Jeffrey Porter
67 TR4A with no shift boot.
I've always used the rubber TR4 boot. I ordered one by accident years ago
instead of the "correct" fabric/pseudo leather one. I just tuck it under the
dash support hole which works out fine. And the rubber ones only last a
couple of years, so I just keep replacing them. It would be nice to have a
real leather one available.

January Williams
66 TR4A CTC74217 LO
Salem, Oregon (but heading to Maine for vacation)

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