[TR] Off-topic -deadly floormats?

Dave1massey at cs.com Dave1massey at cs.com
Fri Sep 18 05:58:31 MDT 2009

In a message dated 9/18/2009 3:02:38 AM Central Daylight Time, 
tr3driver at ca.rr.com writes: 
> >Not to mention, if in a driver's panic s/he switched the 
> >ignition ALL the way
> >off, the steering locks...sending you into a tree?
> As opposed to leaving the road at 120 mph, flying 100ft through the air, 
> and
> winding up in a ball of flames ?  I'd take the chance.
Besides, the ignition key is interlocked to the shifter and won't go into 
the locked position unless the shifter is in Park.  Just for that reason.

Also, doesn't this model car have the push button?  Push it once to start 
and push it again to stop the engine?  How do those work, anyway?  I've never 
driven a Lexus.


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