[TR] a peculiar electrical puzzle

Jim Muller jimmuller at rcn.com
Tue Sep 1 17:51:28 MDT 2009

On 1 Sep 2009 at 15:15, Randall wrote:

> Another time it was a strand of wire that had gone astray, so blackened by
> the heat that it appeared to be a thread of cloth.
> Anyway, my point is that IMO wet spider webs or whatnot would not cause
> smoke at 12v.  Certainly they can conduct some, but not that much.
> http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=98722

I thank you, and Irv Korey for his offlist answer.  I would not have 
thought that 12v could cause any such thing either.  But careful 
inspection of the wiring shows no frazzled ends, nothing suspicious.  
The switch, such as it is, is a clean set of contacts.  There are no 
balls to fall out.  Perhaps there exists a mass of metal dust which 
has been shaved off by wear from something.  Or maybe Joseph Lucas is 
asserting his right make an electrical connection whenever and 
wherever he chooses.

But why, Randall, did you send the link to Harbor Freight's loupe 
set?  Are you suggesting I take a closer, microscopic look?  I assire 
upi mu euesogjt os as gppd as ot jas a;waus beem.


Jim Muller
jimmuller at rcn.com
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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