[TR] TR3 Electric Fan Placement

KingsCreekTrees at aol.com KingsCreekTrees at aol.com
Mon Nov 9 05:44:50 MST 2009

Hi all;
As per everyone else's opinion, the fan isn't the problem. Unless you're in 
 hot weather and stuck in traffic, and if the engine is in fact operating 
at the  temps suggested (i.e., not an inaccurate gauge),  then something else 
is  wrong.
If it helps, I went through a similar dilemma. I had the radiator recored  
six years ago, retaining the starting handle hole (I had a bomb starter at 
the  time, unknowingly mated to a later ring gear, so was having major 
starter  problems and didn't want to delete the handle facility). Since, I've 
never been  completely happy with the temperature but it seemed to be getting 
steadily  worse, year by year. I thought I'd checked everything and was 
starting to think  about electric fan, aluminum radiator, etc. etc. Then I decided 
to just flush  the system and what a difference! I know I'm stupid for not 
doing it sooner and  I know it's the obvious thing to do, but if there's any 
danger at all of any  rubbish in that cooling system then I'd flush it and 
see what happens.  Incidentally, I did not see anything nasty coming out of 
the cooling system when  I flushed it; just green coolant.
In fact, as a result of this experience I will probably flush the system  
every two years. I wouldn't do it in a more modern vehicle but on an engine  
that's 52 years old, there's bound to be stuff flaking off and stuff 
building  up, I guess.
''57 TR3A, '65 Volvo PV544 Sport, '51 Chev 3-ton, '91 Mustang convertible,  
'52 Understanding Wife.
Tim Dyer,  Proprietor
Kings Creek Trees and Ornamentals
427 Kings Creek Road,  RR3
Ashton, Ontario, K0A 1B0, Canada 
Phone/fax: 613 253 4126 Website: _www.kingscreektrees.com_ 

Proud  member of Landscape Ontario (the Ontario association of Horticulture 
Industry  professionals), the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and 
Christmas Tree  Farmers of Ontario

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