[TR] Triumphest/VTR info

TR250Driver at aol.com TR250Driver at aol.com
Tue Mar 3 13:04:49 MST 2009

  This is the Rule that was  supposed to follow so the  previous statement 
may make sense now.  

"Also the following rule plays a roll too in this  discussion.  As  before it 
spells out the appropriate deduction as  being one half of the full  
deduction of a missing part. So  if an air cleaner is worth 3  pts. a judge 
should deduct 1.5 pts. for  authenticity if it has  been chrome plated." 

3.6.5 OVER-RESTORATION: It is the responsibility of the team leaders to 
report  to the

Chief Judge any  car which they feel to be over-restored. Examples of over-  
are as  follows:
Too much  chrome
Leather where it  shouldn't be
Wool carpet where  it shouldn't be
The Chief Judge,  in conference with the team leader, shall determine if the 
car is in  fact
over-restored. If  such is the case the car shall be moved to the modified 
class and  judged
accordingly. The  Chief Judge may seek any advice deemed appropriate in 
reaching  this
decision. If only  portions, and not the entire car, is judged to be over 
restored, then  the
over-restored  items or parts shall receive one-half the deduction of a 
missing item or  part.


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