[TR] Rear crankcase oil seal

Brad Kahler brad.kahler at 141.com
Fri Jul 10 08:18:10 MDT 2009

One of the things Uncle Jack found when he started using the new
improved rear seals in his race car was the instructions weren't quite

I might be mistaken as I don't have my notes in front of me
but I think the diameter you are instructed to turn the crank was to
be turned to ended up being just a little to small in diameter.  I think
he ended up increasing the diameter slightly.  Also I believe he shortened
the spring slightly to provide more tension and I remember something
about cutting the seal length down a little.

You could probably search the FOT email archives and come up with the
appropriate information.  If not I might be able to find my notes.

Sorry I can't provide the specific details but its been a LONG time
since Jack and I discussed the issue.  Tony might chime in with better
information as well.

Then again, I could be totally confused here!


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