[TR] emission standards?

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Thu Jan 29 10:01:40 MST 2009

> My car
> came with emissions equipment which is now long gone

Which of course means that you are violating Federal law.  Most of the area
distinctions you outline are merely whether the states choose to enforce the
Federal law or not, and in what fashion they do so.

And IMO there is some sense to that.  Los Angeles, for example, has a huge
smog problem, caused in large part by our geography.  We effectively live in
a 3-sided fish bowl, with the prevailing winds coming from the 4th side and
trapping both the natural hydrocarbons that rise from the ground around here
plus the effluent of some 13 million people and their cars.  It seems
reasonable to me that we spend rather more money and time trying to limit
emissions than people living in, say, Adams county ND (population under
3000, located on a windswept plain, no oil deposits at all).  (Not that
there is anything wrong with that.)

>  So not only don't we have a Historic Vehicle Club to lobby for us

Actually, there are several organizations that do lobby for us.  The AACA
for example, SEMA for another.

> but we don't even have consistent standards across the states.

Which is something of a holdover from the United States originally being
organized as a rather loose federation of semi-autonomous states.  Rather
more comparable to the EU today, than the UK, IMO.

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