[TR] brake pressure differential switch

mrv8q at aim.com mrv8q at aim.com
Sun Jan 25 21:28:38 MST 2009

There's a used one on eBay right now; No longer stocked by TRF....
Moss has the o-ring rebuild kit.

Best, Kevin Browne

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Nafziger <nafzigerg at yahoo.com>
To: triumphs at autox.team.net
Sent: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 8:22 pm
Subject: [TR] brake pressure differential switch

Speaking of the pressure differential warning switches.............PDWA 
whateverrrr..........  are they available anywhere new?  or used?
or................whatever?  I think my tr-6 one is shot and not sure what to
do now.  I think its stuck in the center so maybe just best left alone?

gary n

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