[TR] Stone Guards

Kent Shrack kentshrack at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 16 09:36:23 MST 2009

I bought a set of Stone Guards a long time ago and when I tried fitting them,
they were not even close.  I dug out my original ones from the box of left
overs and found them to be really rough from being blasted from sand and rocks
with dimples the size of my thumbs.  Using a hammer and block of wood, I
knocked out the really big dents and started cross filing them which would
show me where to "hammer".  I worked on them as I watched TV off and on for a
few days working my way down to finer and finer grit paper in a block.  I got
them completely polished out and they still look good today with the exception
of a few spots where they are doing their job. I'd like to find another good
set of original ones.
Kent Shrack Lawrence, KS  TS78563-o

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