[TR] Tryin g to get car to start after a slow two year rebuild.

Glenn A. Merrell StagByTriumph at tscusa.org
Sun Feb 22 13:33:27 MST 2009

sujit roy wrote:
> I'm trying to start my Stag, but I have no signs that it wants to start.  I
> got a few pops last night, but nothing today.
> WIll two old year gasoline prevent my car from starting?
> Battery fully charged.
> I have fuel getting into the LH carb as I had to take the float cover off to
> fix a leak. I'm not sure abo the RH carb. Other than checking the float bowl
> fro fuel how sure can I be that fuel is getting into the cylinders.
> Fuel pump is pumping.
> I have the timing approximately statically set to 12 degree before tdc. I
> have Luminition and a spark is present.  How off can the timing before it
> won't start at all?
> This is the 3rd time I've adjusted he timing in the many years I've own the
> car. so I think I'm doing that right.
> Sujit
Hi Sujit,
I responded on the Stag list also, make sure you are timing TDC to #2 on 
the Stag V8, and make sure you are not 180 degrees out.  Here is the 

Glenn A. Merrell
Chairman, Triumph Stag Club USA (2007-2009)
The best trophies are miles on the odometer, stone chips in the paint, dead bugs on the windshield!

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