[TR] Tryin g to get car to start after a slow two year rebuild.
Jeff Scarbrough
fishplate at charter.net
Sun Feb 22 12:34:42 MST 2009
At 02:14 PM 2/22/2009, sujit roy wrote:
>I'm trying to start my Stag, but I have no signs that it wants to start. I
>got a few pops last night, but nothing today.
>WIll two old year gasoline prevent my car from starting?
Very possible, especially if you are in a damp climate.
>Battery fully charged.
>I have fuel getting into the LH carb as I had to take the float cover off to
>fix a leak. I'm not sure abo the RH carb. Other than checking the float bowl
>fro fuel how sure can I be that fuel is getting into the cylinders.
Spray some WD40 into the carb throat, then crank as before...it's
like ether, but with extra lubrication.
>I have the timing approximately statically set to 12 degree before tdc. I
>have Luminition and a spark is present. How off can the timing before it
>won't start at all?
If it's close, it will try to start, or at least pop on a consistent basis.
I'd change the fuel, and then make sure fresh fuel is available at the carb.
I have been known to rig an alternative fuel source by attaching a
length of fuel hose to the pump inlet and sticking the other end in a
gas can set on a stool (so the pump needn't draw uphill too
much). Drain the fuel bowls, then let them refill with fresh
gas. Be sure to let the starter cool for a minute or two after each
thirty seconds of cranking. Or, if you're in Saskatchewan, just open
the garage door and crank away.
Of course, there is a definite risk of fire when attempting
foolishness like this, so be aware - you do have a properly rated
fire extinguisher to hand when you're doing this, right?
Jeff Scarbrough 75 TR6 x 1, 76 1500 x 2, 78 1500 x 1, 80 1500 x 0.5
Corrosion Acres, Georgia #354
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