[TR] Triumph on TV

Andrew Mace zoboherald at aol.com
Thu Feb 5 10:55:47 MST 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Ricker <brian at rickernet.net>

My first car was what I was told at the time was a 1973.5 MGB. It had
rubber bumpers and dual carbs (which the later 1974s did not have). Now I
may have all of this wrong as it was over 20 years ago. Life On Mars is set
in the late summer of 1973 so I suppose it is possible that an early 1974
car could be on the streets.

I also could be wrong, but I think it was the 1974 model year where there was a "split":
early cars had rubber "block" overriders, such as in this photo:


while the later 1974s and subsequent cars had the full rubber facias, such as

--Andy  Mace

*Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?
*Man: Well, no ... It's not so  much of a jet, it's more your, er, Triumph Herald engine with  wings.
 -- Cut-price Airlines Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus  (22)
Check out the North American Triumph Sports 6 (Vitesse 6) and Triumph Herald Database: http://triumph-herald.us

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