[TR] ramp lenth?

dorpaul dorpaul at bellsouth.net
Tue Oct 21 13:51:23 MDT 2008

I used an outside homemade rotisserie to originally get my TR3's chassis (w/o
engine and tranny) up on a two foot high platform.  This steel 10' scaffolding
platform was constructed about 4-5 years ago when I started the rebuilding of
this abandoned restoration.  I am planning on driving it off this platform
within six months.
    However, I first need to build a dependable wooden ramp to drive it down.
I want to reuse this ramp in the future for oil changes, work underneath, etc.
What is a preferable length of ramp for driving this car, up and down this 2'
high platform?  I will be using heavily supported 2"x 8" treated new pine
lumber.  These vertical wooden supports will be every 10" or so.

I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel...

Thanks, Paul Dorsey  60 TR3

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