[TR] Stromberg Vacuum Ports

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Sat Oct 11 19:41:08 MDT 2008

> The single Stromberg carb I have on my car has the vacuum 
> port on the bottom.  Is this a port that will have vacuum at 
> idle? or at speed?

Should be a retard port.  The advance port on ZS carbs is on the top.

But it's easy enough to check, just hook up a line and see if it has vacuum
at idle.  If you don't have a vacuum gauge, just hold your finger over the
end of the line for a second, then see if it pulls at your finger as you
pull it away.

> I currently have this disconnected and the timing set to 
> 10deg Before TDC.

Personally, I'd leave it that way.  The vacuum retard wastes fuel and
increases CO2 emissions; which seem to me to be more serious problems than
any slight reduction in CO and HC it might provide.


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