[TR] Spring Loaded Fender Mirror

terryrs at comcast.net terryrs at comcast.net
Sun May 18 17:29:25 MDT 2008

Now that the TR3A is running so smooth and quiet (ehr, well, sorta...inasmuch as thoaty growls are quiet), I'd really like to have a set of fender mirrors that don't come misaligned everytime I take the carcover on and off.  ...I've tried threadlocker, no dice.

Didn't someone post here that they had a pair of springloaded ones?  Where did they come from again?  I can't seem to find that listing.

Thanks, all.

Terry '59 TR3A  (TS 58667)
New Hamphsire  ...where I'm building my first ever garage this summer.  Can't wait to drop a washer onto cement instead of glaciated sand....

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