[TR] Ok seen everything now

David Templeton davidt at opentext.com
Sun Mar 16 16:08:03 MST 2008

   Saw  the  end  and  yeap  the Herald triumphed :-). LoL over that one.
   Except for the slipped clutch it faired the best.
   One more for the TR badge :-)
   ----- Original Message -----
   From: Bob Danielson <75TR6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org>
   To: David Templeton; triumphs at autox.team.net <triumphs at autox.team.net>
   Sent: Sun Mar 16 18:46:26 2008
   Subject: RE: [TR] Ok seen everything now
   That was Part 2 of their amphibian car adventure. The first part was a
   or  so  ago  when  they each had a budget to make their amphibian car,
   drive it
   to the launch ramp, take it out on the river, around a buoy and backup
   ramp. It was hilarious.
   Bob Danielson
   1975 TR6 CF38503U
   Running w/ Throttle Body Injection
   -----Original Message-----
   From: triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net
   [mailto:triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net]
   Behalf Of David Templeton
   Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 4:48 PM
   To: triumphs at autox.team.net
   Subject: [TR] Ok seen everything now
       Just   flipped  through  the channels and topgear was on :-). A TR
      was turned into an amphibicar :-P.
       Probably   an   old  repeat but still a giggle. Know the music but
      place it, it sounds like something the Battle of Britian.
      James is driving the Herald, and he has engine failure......
      A toyota pickup with a 600lb out board motor on it :-)
      Hammond is driving a VW camper......turned into land/sea yacht
      Funny in the end...still 20minutes to go.
      Happy sunday.....
      David Templeton
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