[TR] [6pack] Sun visor concerns

Glenn Owen mgowen55 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 7 19:13:13 MST 2008

If  you choose to endeavor in engineering the possibilities of a 
self-draining driving seat, I would hope that you can do better than the 
engineering of  the self-draining scuttle wells on the TR vehicles. We 
certainly don't need another rust point to deal with.
Best regards,

 Currently the car isn't fitted with a self-draining driving
> seat but if another truck suddenly pulls out in front of me with the sun
> visor down, I may have to investigate the engineering
> possibilities..........
> Jonmac
> Originator of The Triumph Trans-America Charity Drive 2009
> www.triumphtransamerica.org.uk

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