[TR] weight of a finished factory hardtop

maya2blue at juno.com maya2blue at juno.com
Tue Jun 24 14:00:47 MDT 2008


Does anyone know the weight of a finished factory hardtop?  

I am looking at various "hoisting systems" to lift my hardtop off of the
car and store it (using the hoisting system) over my car but near the

Most systems have a weight limit and I have no way to weigh the thing!

Many thanks your help, and any suggestions re a hoist system for a '78
spitifer hardtop


Harve Thorn          (NASS #79)
531 Amen Corner   ('78 1500 Spitfire)
Fayetteville, AR    (looking for a "nice" GT6)
72701 USA 
479.443.0818 evenings or lv msg
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